Cartridge Preheating for an Easy Refill
Do you have oil stuck in your 510 thread cartridge battery? We have the answer.
Conceived in mind of the processor. The choice for increased efficiency is our double-purpose plate. CartDub is both a cartridge preheater and an oil refurbishment system.
CartDub Pro
Up to 100 cartridges can be pre-heated at the same time before filling with the PRO Kit. Hot cartridges and seat oil get better than cold cartridges. Just put the cartridge-filled tray in the preheated oven, toaster oven or on a heating platform. For 20 minutes, recommend 180 degrees.
CartDub Lite
The typical home user was kept in mind throughout development. Our two-in-one plate is the most time- and labor-saving choice available. CartDub is a multipurpose device that may be used as either a cartridge preheater or an oil reclamation system. One hundred cartridges may be preheated in advance of being filled. Warm cartridges are more receptive to oil and more comfortable to seat. Put the tray with the food from the shopping cart into the preheated oven, toaster oven, or hot plate. After 20 minutes, you should give your head a complete 180-degree spin.
The second use is in the oil industry. Time may be saved by inverting the packed shopping carts onto a platter and supporting them with a wide-mouth canning jar. You should bake the dish and jar for about 25 minutes at 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Most of the oil drains into the linked jar, where it may be stored for later use.